Administrative Users (District)

Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > District > Administrative Users

This tab is used to set up administrative users who can view or modify instructor grade book data at any campus. You can also set up multi-campus users who can access multiple campuses as an administrator, but do not have access to all campuses in the district.

Set up users:

A list of TeacherPortal administrative users is displayed. The list can be re-sorted.

You can re-sort the grid by clicking on an underlined column heading. It will sort in ascending order. Click it again to sort in descending order.

A triangle next to the column heading indicates the column by which the grid is currently sorted and whether it is sorted in ascending or descending order.

Search By Name

To locate a specific user, begin typing the user's last name. As you begin typing, a drop-down list displays users whose name matches the characters you have typed. The drop-down list also displays the user ID. Select the user.

❏ Click +Add to add an administrative user.

The fields below the grid are enabled.

Multi Campus User

Select only if the user is not a district-level user. The field should only be selected for a campus-level user who needs administrative access to multiple campuses.

When a multi-campus user logs on to TeacherPortal, he will be prompted to select a campus from list of campuses he has been given access to.

When a multi-campus user logs on to ASCENDER ParentPortal Admin, he will be able to impersonate only users at the campuses he has been given access to. Multi-campus users will have access to limited statistics are displayed on ASCENDER ParentPortal Admin > Admin Settings > Site Statistics.

When you select the field, a campus grid is displayed allowing you to select the campuses and levels of access for the user at each campus.


Select for each campus you want to grant the user access to.

Type of User

Select the access level the user will have in TeacherPortal.

Read Only - Allow inquiry-only access to all accounts. The user can view data for any instructor in order to verify information.

Maintenance - Allow administrative access to all user accounts. The user can change grades, post attendance, and make other changes for any instructor at a campus.

Discipline Only - Allow access to the Discipline Referral page only. No other TeacherPortal pages will be accessible. IMPORTANT: The Allow Discipline Referrals field must be selected for the campus on Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > Campus > Options; otherwise, the campus will not be accessible to the user when she logs on to TeacherPortal.

When you click Save, note that the Campus Access column in the grid will display the number of campuses the user has access to.

WARNING: If you clear the Multi Campus User field for a user, he will be given district-wide access.

Run Group Report

Select to give the user access to the student groups reports in TeacherPortal. If selected, the Special Programs field is displayed on the Student Grades Report Selection page in TeacherPortal allowing him to produce the report for a selected group of students, including students in local programs.


For existing records, the employee's full name is displayed.

User Name

Type the employee's user name.

The user name must meet the following criteria:

Unique in the district.
6-8 alphanumeric characters

It is not case-sensitive.

For security reasons, the user name is only displayed below the grid so that only one user name is visible at a time.

Staff ID

Type the employee's social security number or employee number, depending on the district's setting for Student Applications Staff ID on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Maintenance > Control Info.

If the employee number is used at the district, you can click to select a principal/counselor or instructor.

The administrative user must have a record in the campus principal/counselor table, the campus instructor table, or the employee demographic table (employee or non-employee). The user's information is verified against the data in one of the tables.

NOTE: A staff ID can be set up as a district administrator or a campus administrator, but not both. However, the same staff ID with a unique user ID can also be used for creating an instructor login.

The Status field is displayed in place of the Staff ID field (below the grid) once the record is saved, and it is set to Reset by default. Click the Change Status button to change the status. The options are as follows:

Inactive - Prevent a user from logging on to TeacherPortal.

Reset - Reset a user’s account allowing him to register using the New User link on the TeacherPortal Login page.

Type of User

Select the access level the user will have in TeacherPortal. This field only applies to district-level users; the field is disabled if Multi Campus User is selected.

Read Only - Allow inquiry-only access to all accounts. The user can view data for any instructor in order to verify information.

Maintenance - Allow administrative access to all user accounts. The user can change grades, post attendance, and make other changes for any instructor at a campus. An administrative user cannot make changes to an instructor's profile.

The Discipline-only option is only available for campus-level TeacherPortal administrators.

❏ Click Save.

You are prompted to confirm that you want to add the new user. Click Yes.

In the grid, the following fields are displayed:

Date Grades Updated

The date on which the user last updated grades in TeacherPortal is displayed.

Password Expires

The date on which the user's password will expire is displayed. It is calculated using the district password expiration option and the date on which the user's password was created or reset.

Password Last Changed

The date on which the user last updated his password is displayed.

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.