Grade Reporting > Utilities > Assign Control Numbers > Cntrl by Period
This utility assigns control numbers by period. For the retrieved students, the control number will be updated to the control number for the teacher of record for the course-section.
Student control numbers are stored and can also be maintained on Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo1 in the Control Num field under Current/Next Year Information. When this utility is executed, the student’s control number is updated on that tab.
Sem | (Required)
Select the semester. |
Grd Lvl |
Select the student's grade level, or select AL to retrieve students in all grade levels. If blank, students in all grade levels are retrieved. |
Period | (Required)
Select the period in which the students meet. |
Select only Students with Blank Cntrl #s |
Select to change only blank control numbers. |
❏ Click Retrieve.
A list of students who meet the specified criteria is displayed, including the course-section for each semester and period.
❏ Click Execute.
The control number for all listed students is changed. The Ctrl # and Instr # fields are now the same.
❏ Click Save.
Reset |
Clear unsaved changes and start over. |