Class Roster Extract

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Class Roster Extract

This utility exports class roster information for the district or for a selected campus, and for one semester or all semesters. This extract conforms to the Data Management for Assessment and Curriculum (DMAC) layout.

Click here to view the interface.

Export data:

Campus ID (Leave Blank For All)

Select the campus for which to extract data, or leave blank to extract data for the entire district.

Semester (Leave Blank For All)

Select the semester for which to extract data, or leave blank to extract data for all semesters.

❏ Click Run Extract.

You are prompted to save the export file. Save the file in a selected location.

A message is displayed indicating the file name and number of entries extracted. Click OK.

A message is displayed prompting you to print the report.

Click Yes.

View the report.