Clear Grades, Comments, Credits, or Citizenship

Grade Reporting > Utilities > Clear Grades, Comments, Credits, or Citizenship

This utility clears grades, comments, credits, or citizenship grades from student records. Self-paced and transfer courses are bypassed. The selected information is cleared from Grade Reporting and TeacherPortal.

WARNING: Use extreme caution when using the utility. It is recommended that you set menu-level security for this menu item in ASCENDER Security Administration.

Update data:

❏ Under Clear by, select the group by which you want to clear data:

Additional fields are displayed according to your selection:

Semester or Sem

This field is displayed for all Clear by groups. Select the semester for which to clear data.

Cycle or Cyc

This field is displayed for all Clear by groups. Select the cycle for which to clear data.

Grd Level

This field is only displayed if you select to Clear by Grade Level. Select the grade level for which to clear data.

Student ID

This field is only displayed if you select to Clear by Student. Type the student ID, and then click Retrieve.

If you do not know the student ID, click Directory to select a student from the directory.

The student's name is displayed.


This field is only displayed if you select to Clear by Course. Type or click to select the course.


This field is only displayed if you select to Clear by Course and is not enabled until a course is selected. Select the section for which to clear data.


Select the specific data you want to clear for the selected Clear by group.

CampusThe campus to which you are logged on is displayed.

Reset Teacher Gradebook 'Ready to Post' FlagThe field appears if you select to clear Cycle Grades by Course. This resets an instructor's course-section so that instructor can mark grades as 'Ready to Post' again, AFTER the course-section grades have been posted. You must specify the course, section, semester, and cycle.

❏ Click Execute.

A message is displayed indicating that the process is complete. Click OK.

❏ Click Save to update the student records.

You must save before clearing more data.