SGP1000 - Student Personal Graduation Plan

Graduation Plan > Reports > SGP1000 - Student Personal Graduation Plan

This report allows you to generate student personal graduation plans (PGPs) to give to students and their parents to sign and return, at which point you can update the PGP Acknowledgment dates on Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP.

SGP1000 - Student Personal Graduation Plan parameters

Report field descriptions

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Current Grade Level (Select Grade Level or Student ID)

Type the two-character grade level, click ellipsis button to select the grade level, or leave blank to select all grade levels.

Select the student's current year grade level.

Student IDs (Blank for All)

Type the six-digit student ID number, including all leading zeros. Separate multiple IDs with a comma (e.g., 098321,096476). Or, click ellipsis button to select the students. Leave blank to select all students.

Print Rank And GPA (Y, N, R=Rank Only, G=GPA Only)

Y or blank - Print both rank and GPA.

N - Do not print rank or GPA.

R - Print only rank.

G - Print only GPA.

Print Acknowledgment Date and Parent's Expectation (Y, N)

Y - Print the acknowledgment dates and parent expectations if entered on Maintenance > Student > Individual Maintenance > PGP.

N - Do not print the acknowledgement dates or parent expectations.

Performance Acknowledgment (Y,N)

Y - Print all Performance Acknowledgment data.

N or blank - Do not print Performance Acknowledgment data.

Include Withdrawn Students (Y, N)

Y - Include withdrawn students.

N - Do not include withdrawn students.