SGP1100 - Graduation Plan Summary

Graduation Plan > Reports > SGP1100 - Graduation Plan Summary

This report provides list of students and the graduation plan assigned to each student, as well as the student's grade level, cohort, graduation type, distinguished level of achievement, and endorsements. The report allows counselors to see which students would be affected if a change is made to a graduation plan.

You can also view a list that displays total student counts by graduation plan, graduation type, and grade level which does not include specific student data.

Campus ID

Type the three-digit campus ID, or click ellipsis button to select the campus.

Current Grade Level (6-12, Blank for All)

Type the two-character grade level, click ellipsis button to select the grade level, or leave blank to select all grade levels.

Select the student's current year grade level.

Student Listing (Y, N, Blank=Y)

Y or blank - Print student-level data.

N - Print student total counts only, sorted by graduation plan, graduation type, and grade level.

Graduation Type (Blank for All)

Type the grad plan codes separating multiple codes with a comma, or select the codes, Leave blank to select all grad plans.

Only Student w/o Grad Type (Y, N)

Y - Only include student whose graduation type is blank.

N - Include all students, regardless of graduation type.