Delete Graduation Plan

Graduation Plan > Utilities > Delete Graduation Plans

This utility deletes the graduation plan for one or more students.

Delete data:

❏ Use one or more of the following fields to select the student(s) for whom you want to delete the graduation plan:


Begin typing the student's name or ID (including leading zeros). As you begin typing the number, a drop-down list displays students whose name or ID begins with the characters you have typed. The student's grade level is displayed in parentheses, and WD is displayed if the student is withdrawn or a no show. From the drop-down list, select the student.

Leave blank to retrieve all students who meet the specified criteria.

A No Show student can be selected; however the student is not included in the Student autosuggest so you must know the name or student ID.

Grad Plan

Select the graduation plan currently assigned to the students.
Leave blank to retrieve students with any graduation plan.

Grade Level

Select the current grade level of the students.
Leave blank to retrieve students in all grade levels.


Select the campus at which the students are currently enrolled.
Leave blank to retrieve students at all campuses.

❏ Click Retrieve.

The students that meet the criteria are listed on the right.

Delete Grad Plan

Select individual students for whom you want to delete the current graduation plan.
Or, select the check box in the column heading to select all students in the list.

❏ Click Delete.

A message is displayed indicating that the graduation plan was deleted for the selected students.