Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA)

Registration > Maintenance > Core Collections > Spec Ed Lang Acq

This page shows you how to enable and set up Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA). It also lets you add, delete or edit students in it and create interchanges and run reports for it.

Special Education Language Acquisition (SELA) will report data on the language acquisition of children eight years of age or younger who are deaf or hard of hearing or are identified with an auditory impairment or deaf/blindness. It will use the following C053 disability codes: ’05’ Deaf-Blind or ‘03’ Deaf and Hard of Hearing, translated to the DC142 disability codes: ’02’ Deaf-Blindness (Deaf-Blind) or ‘06’ Hearing/Auditory Impairment (Auditory).

Students are not automatically re-enrolled in SELA Services upon re-enrollment.

The following students meet the requirements for SELA reporting:

  • The student is 8 years of age or younger on September 1st of the school year.
  • The student has a disability of hearing/auditory impairment or are deaf/blind.

NOTE: SELA services are not included in the transfer utility at this time.

SELA Demographics screen|


❏ Run SEM0850 - PEIMS Verification List for a list of students that qualify for SELA Services.

Update data:

NOTE: The Directory will pull up only those students qualified for SELA.

Select a student


Information on this tab is not editable and is view only.

❏ Under Demographic Information:

Demographics that are reported in the Student Parent Interchange. Once you select a student from the directory, the student info will auto populate if he/she meets the SELA criteria.

❏ Under Special Ed Information:

The following information is gathered from Registration > Maintenance > Student Enrollment > SpecEd:


Users will enter the services needed for the student.

Special Education Language Acquisition Services tab

❏ Click +Add. A blank row is added to the grid.

Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
CampusEnter the campus number.
Entry DateEnter the Entry Date from the assessment report. Effective 2022, this date can be prior or current school year and will be reported as Eligibility-Date for the SELA Submission, StudentParent Interchange.
Exit DateThis date will not be reported in the SELA Submission and is for internal use only.
ReasonThis information will not be reported in the SELA Submission and is for internal use only.
Home Communication

PREFERRED-HOME-COMMUNICATION-METHOD (E1661) identifies the preferred unique communication method used by the child at home.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
01 - Visual
02 - Auditory
03 - Tactile
04 - Multiple or Total
98 - Parent or Guardian did not Respond
99 - Parent or Guardian was not able to be reached

Language Acq Services

Lang Acq Services

LANG-ACQ-SERVICES-PROVIDED (E1662) indicates the specific language acquisition services provided to the student. More than one service may be provided.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
00 - Services not Provided
01 - Direct
02 - Indirect
03 - Consultative

Frequency of Services

FREQUENCY-OF-SERVICES (E1663) identifies the frequency with which a student receives services. Multiple instances of this data element can be reported.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
00 - None
01 - Daily
02 - Weekly
03 - Monthly
04 - Less Than Monthly

Hrs Spent Receiving Services

HOURS-SPENT-RECEIVING-SERVICES (E1664) identifies the amount of time in which the student receives services. Multiple instances of this data element can be reported.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
00 - 0 Hours
01 - Less Than 1 Hour
02 - 1 to 3 Hours
03 - More Than 3 Hours up to 5 Hours
04 - More Than 5 Hours

Hearing Amplification

Hearing Amplification Type

HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-TYPE (E1665) identifies the type of hearing amplification device used by the student. One or more device(s) may be identified.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
00 - Not Applicable
01 - Hear Aids
02 - Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA)
03 - Implants (Includes Cochlear and Middle Ear Implants)
04 - Supplementals (includes examples such as FM systems, Infrared systems, Induction Loop systems)

Hearing Amplification Access

HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-ACCESS (E1666) identifies whether the student has access to the hearing amplification device for the full-day or partial day for each HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-TYPE reported. Multiple instances of this data element can be reported.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
01 - Full Day
02 - Partial Day

Hearing Amplification Avg Daily Use

HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-AVERAGE-DAILY-USE (E1667) identifies the average amount of time the hearing amplification device is used in a day based on the HEARING-AMPLIFICATION-ACCESS reported. Multiple instances of this data element can be reported.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
01 - Less Than 1 Hour
02 - 1 to 3 Hours
03 - More Than 3 Hours

Assessment Info

Tool/Assessment Used

TOOL-OR-ASSESSMENT-USED (E1668) identifies the tool or assessment used to assess the student’s language acquisition. More than one tool or assessment may be reported.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
00 - Not Assessed
01 - Proficiency
02 - Diagnostic
03 - Achievement
04 - Rubric
05 - Other

Assessment Results Obtained

ASSESSMENT-RESULTS-OBTAINED (E1669) identifies the result of tools or assessments used to assess the student’s language acquisition. Multiple instances of this data element can be reported.

Choose one from the drop-down menu:
01 - Far Below Expectations
02 - Below Expectations
03 - Meets Expectations
04 - Above Expectations
05 - Far Above Expectations
06 - No Results Obtained

❏ Click Save.