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registration:maintenance:studentenrollment:bilesl [2020/07/08 18:54] – external edit [2022/09/09 20:50] apape
Line 8: Line 8:
 <WRAP round intro>This tab allows you to view and update information for students who participate in a bilingual or English as a second language (ESL) program. <WRAP round intro>This tab allows you to view and update information for students who participate in a bilingual or English as a second language (ESL) program.
 \\   \\  
-  * Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students must be identified as LEP, and a parental permission code is required. +  * Emergent Bilingual (EB) students must be identified as EB, and a parental permission code is required. 
-  * Students who are not LEP can be enrolled in a bilingual or ESL program, and the parental permission code must reflect that the placement is for a non-LEP student.+  * Students who are not EB can be enrolled in a bilingual or ESL program, and the parental permission code must reflect that the placement is for a non-EB student.
 \\   \\  
 <WRAP box>The Bil/ESL tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the [[registration:maintenance:studentenrollment|Student Enrollment]] page. For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on [[registration:maintenance:studentenrollment:demo1|Demo1]] before proceeding to this tab.</WRAP> <WRAP box>The Bil/ESL tab is not available until you retrieve a student on the [[registration:maintenance:studentenrollment|Student Enrollment]] page. For a new student, you must enter and save all required data on [[registration:maintenance:studentenrollment:demo1|Demo1]] before proceeding to this tab.</WRAP>
 **Funding:** **Funding:**
-  * Non-LEP students are not eligible for funding. +  * Non-EB students are not eligible for funding. 
   * A bilingual or ESL student who is is placed in a disciplinary setting, and ESL/BIL services are not provided during that time, is not eligible for funding.   * A bilingual or ESL student who is is placed in a disciplinary setting, and ESL/BIL services are not provided during that time, is not eligible for funding.
   * Other students may also not be eligible for funding. See the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, Section 6 - Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) for more information.   * Other students may also not be eligible for funding. See the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, Section 6 - Bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) for more information.
Line 26: Line 26:
 VCV Click **+Add** to add a record.<div indent>The fields below the grid are enabled.</div> VCV Click **+Add** to add a record.<div indent>The fields below the grid are enabled.</div>
 \\   \\  
-^Home Lang|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_home_language}}| 
-^Student Language|{{page>general:registration_student_indicators_student_language}}| 
 ^Yrs US Sch|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_years_in_us_schools}}| ^Yrs US Sch|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_years_in_us_schools}}|
 ^Date HLS Admin|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_hls_admin_date}}| ^Date HLS Admin|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_hls_admin_date}}|
Line 39: Line 37:
 ^Bilingual|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_bilingual}}| ^Bilingual|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_bilingual}}|
 ^ESL|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_field}}| ^ESL|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_field}}|
-^LEP Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_lep_code}}|+^EB Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_lep_code}}|
 ^Par Perm Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_par_perm_code}}| ^Par Perm Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_par_perm_code}}|
 ^Bil/ESL Fund Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_fund_code}}| ^Bil/ESL Fund Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_fund_code}}|
 ^Alt Lang Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_alternate_language_code}}| ^Alt Lang Cd|{{page>general:registration_student_alternate_language_code}}|
 +^Student Language|{{page>general:registration_student_indicators_student_language}}|
 ^OLPT English Test|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_olpt_english_test}}| ^OLPT English Test|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_olpt_english_test}}|
 ^OLPT Spanish Test|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_olpt_spanish_test}}| ^OLPT Spanish Test|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_olpt_spanish_test}}|
 +VCV Under **Home Language**:
 \\   \\  
 +VCV Under **Student Language**:
 VCV Click **Save**. VCV Click **Save**.
 ---- ----
 +====Other functions and features:====
 ^{{:images:mag_edit.png?16|Spyglass Icon}} | ++ Edit a record.|{{page>general:edit_record_free_form}}++| ^{{:images:mag_edit.png?16|Spyglass Icon}} | ++ Edit a record.|{{page>general:edit_record_free_form}}++|
 ^{{:images:trash_delete.gif|Trashcan Icon}}| ++ Delete a row.|{{page>general:delete_row}}++| ^{{:images:trash_delete.gif|Trashcan Icon}}| ++ Delete a row.|{{page>general:delete_row}}++|
 ^Comments| ++ View or add comments.|{{page>general:registration_student_comments}}++| ^Comments| ++ View or add comments.|{{page>general:registration_student_comments}}++|
 +^TEA Unique ID|++ Request an Unique ID from the state.|{{page>general:registration_tea_unique_id}}++|
 ^Hist Directory|[[general:registration_historical_directory|Retrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year.]]| ^Hist Directory|[[general:registration_historical_directory|Retrieve a student enrolled in a prior school year.]]|
-^Bus Info|[[general:registration_student_bus_info|View or update the student's bus information.]]\\  The button does not appear until you retrieve a student on the Student Enrollment page.| 
 ^{{:images:medical_alert.png|Medical Alert button}}| ++ View medical alert.|{{page>general:grade_reporting_individual_medical_alert}}++| ^{{:images:medical_alert.png|Medical Alert button}}| ++ View medical alert.|{{page>general:grade_reporting_individual_medical_alert}}++|
 ^Documents|[[general:document_attachments|View or attach supporting documentation.]]| ^Documents|[[general:document_attachments|View or attach supporting documentation.]]|
 +/*Removed for EdFi 8/8\\
 +^Home Lang|{{page>general:registration_student_bil_esl_home_language}}|
registration/maintenance/studentenrollment/bilesl.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/12 16:23 by apape