Unique ID (UID) Export

Registration > Utilities > Texas Unique Student ID Processing > UID Export

This utility allows you to accomplish two tasks:

  • Create a weekly export for the TEA of student enrollment and withdrawal events in the district. This functionality replaces the PET Export.

  • Create an export file of all students at the campus (or all campuses) who do not have an assigned Texas Unique Student ID. The created file can be uploaded to the TEA via TEAL. The TEA will then provide an import file that contains the Texas Unique Student IDs for the students in the file, and you can use the UID Import tab to import that data.

    You can also generate a report of students who are missing a UID.

  • Create an export file of all students at the campus (or all campuses) who are missing a value for Texas Unique ID.

NOTE: Students enrolled at a campus that has been excluded from district reporting on Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info are excluded from the district-level export.

ASCENDER Registration - Process Texas Unique Student IDs

Export data:

Ending School Year

The ending year of the school year is displayed.

Missing UID Report

Click the button to view a report of students who do not yet have a UID assigned. The report opens on the same page, below the fields. Click Close Report to hide the report.

Missing CSW UID ReportClick the button to view a report of report of Charter School Waitlist students missing a Texas Unique ID . The report opens on the same page, below the fields. Click Close CSW Report to hide the report.

NOTE: This field only displays if the District Type field is set to Charter on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Information > Demographic Information.

Do not create the weekly UID Enrollment file until the Missing UID Report is blank.

❏ Under Select Export Type, indicate the task:

UID Enrollment

This utility creates the comma-delimited CSV file that must be uploaded to the TEA. Records are created for active and withdrawn students who have a UID assigned. The export file includes only 'unprocessed students' (i.e., students whose UID Enrollment Event Flag is blank) (i.e, students whose enrollment event information has not been submitted to TEA).

NOTE: Withdrawal Reason Code 33 (i.e., status change) is not considered an enrollment event unless the student's campus or grade level has changed.

UID Assignment

Select to create an export file of all students at the campus who do not have an assigned Texas Unique Student ID.

Charter School WaitlistSelect to create an export file of Charter School Waitlist students who are missing a value for Texas Unique id.

NOTE: In the Student Information section on Registration > Maintenance > Charter School Waitlist > Demographics, the fields for First and Last name, Sex, DOB, State Student ID and Grd Lvl Applying for are required for the file to export.

This field only displays if the District Type field is set to Charter on Registration > Maintenance > District Profile > District Information > Demographic Information.


Type the three-digit campus ID, or leave blank to export data for all campuses.

NOTE: Students enrolled at a campus that has been excluded from district reporting on Maintenance > Campus Profile > Campus Information Maintenance > Control Info are excluded from the district-level export.

❏ Click Execute.

The file is created, and a message is displayed indicating the number of students processed. Click OK.

The file is downloaded according to your browser settings. Locate and save the file in a known location.

❏ Submit the file to the TEA.

About Resetting UID Enrollment Event Flag: