EOC Maintenance

Test Scores > Maintenance > Individual Maintenance > EOC

This page allows you to view and update a student's end-of-course (EOC) test data. Alternatively, you can use the Import Test Scores utility to import EOC test data.

NOTE: If the student is exempt from taking any of the EOC exams, the message “Subject Exempt” or “Subject Met Standards” is listed on the EOC grid heading. A student's EOC exemption is set on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > Student > Individual Maint > EOC Exception. The “Met Standards” exemption is only available to special education students whom the ARD committee has decided are exempt.

To view the TEA document on Data File Formats click here.

Required fields:

Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) Students:

NOTE: TEA Unique Access Code is imported as part of the Cambium import.

Update data:

Select a student.

❏ Click EOC.

❏ Click +Add to add an EOC test record.

A pop-up window opens.

EOC Type

Select the code indicating the type of EOC test administered.


Select the code indicating the season the EOC test was administered.

Admin Year (YYYY)

Type the four-digit year the test was administered. You can type a future year, but it must be within the school year.

Tst Grade Level

Select the student's grade level at the time the test was administered.

Cnty Dist Camp

Type the nine-digit county-district number in which the test was administered.

Substitute Assessment

Indicate whether the student took a substitute assessment that meets the requirements allowing it to count as the graduation requirement for the EOC subject.

Assessment Substituted

Select the substitute assessment taken. The drop down lists the tests that can be substituted, followed by the EOC Type(s) for which the test can be substituted.

Click here to view a chart listing the tests that can be substituted for specific STAAR EOC tests along with the required scores (PDF format).

Braille Accommodation

Indicate if the student received braille accommodation for the test subject.

Online Test Disrupted

Indicate if the student experienced disruption while taking the online exam for the subject due to inactivity, test version, or both. This field is disabled for imported records.

This field is no longer used as of admin year 2017.

Obj/Category Score 1-7

Type the number of items correct for each objective. The Obj/Category 7 field only applies to Algebra II.

Raw Score

Type the total number of correct items.

Scale Score

Type the statistically-determined score.

Met Standard

Indicate if the student met the standard.

This field is imported as blank for test administrations during the 2019-2020 school year and later.

Commended Performance

Indicate if the student's performance on the test was commended.

This field is imported as blank for test administrations during the 2019-2020 school year and later.

Score Code

Select S if the test was scored. Otherwise, select the code indicating why a test section was not scored.

Score Default

Select 0 if the score code was not defaulted. Otherwise, select the code indicating the score code default.

Test Admin Mode

Select the code indicating whether the test was administered online or on paper.

Test Version

Select the test version administered.

Leave blank for assessment results from 2011 or earlier.

M:STAAR Modified is not valid after Admin Year 2014.

A:STAAR A and L:STAAR L are not valid for Admin Year 2017 and later.

On Track Level II

This applies only if Test Version is T and Admin Year is 2017 or after.

Met TAKS Equiv Std

Indicate if the student met the TAKS equivalent standards.


(2017 test administrations and later) Type the numeric percentile, up to three digits, which indicates if the student scored the same or better than this percentage of all students who took the test in Texas in the prior year.

Progress Measure

Indicate if the student progress was limited, as expected, or accelerated for the subject.

Lexile Measure

This field is only applicable for Admin Year 2018 or later.

Test Version cannot be T (STAAR Alternate 2).

EOC Type must be E1-English I or E2-English II.

The value must be up to four numbers followed by L (e.g., 1234L).

Quantile Measure

This field is only applicable for Admin Year 2018 or later.

Test Version cannot be T (STAAR Alternate 2).

EOC Type must be A1-Algebra 1.

The value must be up to four numbers followed by Q (e.g., 1234Q).

Translated Materials

This field is only applicable for Admin Year 2018 or later.

Test Version must be T (STAAR Alternate 2).

Indicate if the student received translated materials.

Tested with Accommodations

Indicate if any test accommodations were added for an eligible student.

Test Form Version

Specify the type of form that was offered to the candidate during the 5 week extended period of testing.

SO = Primary Base Form
DO = Second Base Form
RO = Breach Form

This field is no longer used as of Admin Year 2021.

Performance Level Indicator

Indicate student’s growth from the previous year in Algebra I, English I and English II.

The left values are valid for the STAAR EOC and the STAAR 3-8.

The right values are valid for the STAAR EOC Alternate and STAAR 3-8 Alternate.

If there is not a value on the right, then the value is only valid for the non-alternate test.

The Academic Performance fields are only used for students who tested in 2012 or later.

Student Passing Standards

Indicate if the Level II: Approaches Grade academic performance was met, the Level III academic performance was met, or the Approaches Grade 2015-2022 academic performance was met at the student's standard.

Student Academic Performance

Indicate if the Level I: Minimum score was achieved, the Level II: Approaches Grade academic performance was met, and/or the Level III: Masters Grade academic performance was met at the student's standard.

NOTE: Values from this section determine the student's highest level of achievement which will be displayed for the subject in the EOC Assessments section of the AAR (SGR2047).

Academic Performance Phases 1-2 yyyy-yyyy

For phases 1 and 2, indicate if the student met the Level I: Minimum and/or Level II: Approaches Grade academic performance standard for the phase.

Academic Perf Final Recommended
Advanced Academic Performance

Indicate if the student met the Level III Advanced Academic Performance at the phase-in standard and/or the Level III Advanced Academic Performance at the recommended standard.

The following TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Alternate Assessments fields apply to Admin Year 2018 and later, and do not apply to Test Version T-STAAR Alternate 2.


Indicate the student's test eligibility for alternate assessments.


0 - Examinee was not identified as TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS tester.

1 - Examinee was identified as TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS tester consistently for all subjects and will receive a TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS report card.

2 - Examinee was inconsistently identified as TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS tester and will receive a STAAR report card.

English II Reading Raw Score

The raw score is displayed for the TAAS or TEAMS eligible examinee who took the reading section of STAAR English II as an alternate. This only applies if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 2 or 4.

English II Writing Raw Score

The raw score is displayed for TAAS eligible examinee who took the writing section of the STAAR English II as alternate. This only applies if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 3 or 4.

English II Reading Meets Requirements

1 - Yes, meets reading requirement
0 - No, did not meet reading requirement

This applies to TAAS or TEAMS eligible examinees who took the reading section of STAAR English II as an alternate. This only applies if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 2 or 4.

English II Writing Meets Requirements

1 - Yes, meets writing requirement
0 - No, did not meet writing requirement

This applies to TAAS eligible examinees who took the writing section of STAAR English II as an alternate and is only populated if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 3 or 4.

Algebra I Meets Requirements

1 - Yes, meets math requirement
0 - No, did not meet math requirement

This applies to TAKS, TAAS, or TEAMS eligible examinees who took the STAAR Algebra I assessment as an alternate and is only populated if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 1.

Biology Meets Requirements

1 - Yes, meets science requirement
0 - No, did not meet science requirement

This only applies to TAKS eligible examinees who took the STAAR Biology assessment as an alternate and is only populated if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 1.

English II Meets Requirements

1 - Yes, meets ELA requirement
0 - No, did not meet ELA requirement

This applies to TAKS eligible examinees who took the STAAR English II assessment as an alternate and is only populated if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 1.

U.S. History Meets Requirements

1 - Yes, meets social studies requirement
0 - No, did not meet social studies requirement

This applies to TAKS eligible examinees who took the STAAR US History assessment as an alternate and is only populated if TAKS/TAAS/TEAMS Ind is 1.

The following EL Performance Measure Information fields apply to Admin Year 2019 and later, and do not apply to Test Version T-STAAR Alternate 2.

EL Performance Measure:

For new English-language Learners taking an English version of the STAAR general assessment, indicate the student's performance on the assessment.

EL Performance Measure Plan:

For English-language Learners (EL), indicate the student's EL Performance Measure Plan.

Year Plan Determined:

For English-language Learners (EL) with an EL Performance Measure Plan, indicate the year the plan was determined for the student.

Plan-Year TELPAS Comp Rating:

For English-language Learners (EL) with an EL Performance Measure Plan, indicate the student's composite rating for that plan-year.

❏ Click OK to close the window.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
Documents View or attach supporting documentation.