EOC English Transition Maintenance

Test Scores > Maintenance > Individual Maintenance > EOC English Trans

This page page allows you to view and update a student's EOC English Transition test data.

In 2012-2013 school year, students took separate English Writing and English Reading EOC tests.

Starting in 2013-2014, the tests were combined into a single English EOC exam. To facilitate the transition, the EOC English Transition test was created. Students who passed either the reading or writing assessment for previous English I and/or II exams, met the minimum score on the other, and achieved at least a combined scale score of 3750, are given credit for the associated EOC test.

Pearson provides this file to the school districts.

Required fields:

NOTE: If the combined total on the reading and writing assessments is less than 3750, the row will not save.

Update data:

Select a student.

❏ Click EOC English Trans.

❏ Click +Add to add an EOC English Transition test record.

A pop-up window opens.

EOC Code

Select the test for which Reading and Writing were substituted.


Type the test administration date in the SS-YY (season-year) format, where:

13 = Fall
14 = Winter
15 = Spring
16 = Summer

Cnty Dist Campus

Type the county-district-campus number where the test was administered.

Scale Score

Type the student's scale score for each subject.


The scale scores are automatically totaled.

❏ Click OK to close the window.

❏ Click Save.

Spyglass Icon Edit a record.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.
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