Settings > Update Profile

Update Profile page with phone and email fields highlighted

Current Password

For added protection of this information, you must type your current password to update data on the Update Profile, even though you have already logged on to TeacherPortal.

IMPORTANT: If you have three unsuccessful attempts to access the page (invalid password), you will be logged out of your account. If this occurs, contact your campus administrator to have your account reset. To exit without saving any changes, click Home or any other menu item to go to another page.

Phone NumberTo provide your telephone number to parents in ParentPortal, type the number in the NNN-NNNNNNN format. If blank, your phone number will not be provided in ParentPortal.
Email AddressTo provide your email address to parents in ParentPortal, type the address (e.g., If blank, your email address will not be provided in ParentPortal.

❏ Click Next.

If you did not select Update Hint Questions, the Success page is displayed.

Profile successfully updated message

❏ Click Finish.

You are redirected to the Announcements page.