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TeacherPortal Admin > Admin - Student Grades
This page is only available to users who log on to TeacherPortal with a district- or campus-level security administrator user ID.
This page allows you to view semester exam grades, semester and final averages, and credits awarded for all of a student's courses, which allows administrators to determine UIL eligibility and locate students who may be at risk for losing eligibility.
Semester | By default, a condensed view of the current semester and cycle is displayed. To view data for a previous semester, select the semester. |
Show Current Courses Only |
By default,all of the student’s courses for the semester are displayed, including courses from which he has withdrawn. Select the field to see only the student’s current courses. |
Show All Detail |
A condensed overview of the student's cycle grades for all of his courses is displayed by default. Click Show All Detail to view all details for all courses for the current cycle. |
Hide All Detail | Click to return to the condensed view, or click Close Details for a particular course to condense the view for that course only. You can also click the current cycle grade to condense the view for that course. |
Previous Cycles | To view details for a specific course for a previous cycle, click the grade average for the cycle. Click Close Details to close the view for that average. |
Student | Click the student ID to view the student's profile. |
Change Student | Click to view data for another student. The Admin Student Grades - Search for Student Grades page is displayed allowing you to search for another student. |
Print the data displayed on the page. |
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