Maintain a table of grading types that can be used for elementary skills-based report cards, such as E,S,U or +,- or 1,2,3,4,5. The name represents the scores/grades that will be used to evaluate the students.

❏ To add a new grade type, click Add Grade Type.

A pop-up window opens.

Grade Type pop-up window

Enter Grades

❏ Type up to nine grade types, each one having up to three upper-case characters.

Any lower-case characters will be converted to upper-case. The following special characters are allowed: +, -, *, <, >, @, &, #, /, and \.

❏ Click Add (under the Enter Grades fields) to add the grade type to the Grade Type grid.

The new grade type is listed under Name.

❏ Click Save.

delete icon

In the Grade Type grid, delete a grade type if needed.

NOTE: You cannot delete or edit a grade type that is associated with a report card; the Delete button is not displayed.