❏ Retrieve the students.


The current date is displayed by default. Type another date in the MMDDYYYY format, or click calendar icon to select a date from the calendar.

Courses are only displayed on the days met. For example, if a course meets only on Monday, it is displayed only when the attendance date is a Monday.

You can select a Saturday if Saturday is a valid attendance date, even if the course does not meet on Saturday. This may be used for bad weather makeup days.

NOTE: Some campuses may not allow you to post attendance for a prior date. In this case, the Post button is not displayed for prior dates.

NOTE: You will get an error message, Attendance posting more than XX days prior not allowed., if the posting date is greater than the number of days entered in the Days field on Grade Reporting > Maintenance > TeacherPortal Options > Campus and the Allow Prior Days Posting field is checked.


The semester of the selected date is displayed by default.


Select the period-course for which to view or record attendance. By default, the first period for which you have not posted attendance is selected.

Attendance can be posted only once for each date-period. If you already posted attendance for this date-period, the period is shaded in the drop-down list.

If you select a shaded period, a message indicates that attendance has been posted for this date-period, and a view-only list is displayed.

The list of active students for the selected date and period-course is displayed.

The columns can be re-sorted.

Student ID
star of life icon

The Star of Life icon is displayed for any student who has medical circumstances you should be aware of. To view details, click the student ID to view the student's profile (Medical Alerts section).

Last Name
First Name

The first and last names of the students in the selected course-period are listed.

❏ Under Attendance:

By default, all students are set to Present. You will see these options if your campus chooses to use Remote Asynch attendance, Remote Sync attendance, or Both.

Present - physically present in the classroom
Remote Synch - online at the time of class
Remote Asynch - will complete the assignment at a later time

As you mark students Absent or Tardy, the rows change color.

Shaded rows

• Tardy students are shaded yellow.
• Absent students are shaded red.

If a student's absence is pre-posted (e.g., a scheduled band trip or a student who called in sick), the student is shaded gray, and the Attendance field displays the reason for the absence. Pre-posted absences are handled by the attendance clerk, so you are not able to mark attendance for the student.


The Note icon is displayed next to the attendance, if the attendance clerk entered comments associated with a student's attendance for the date and period displayed.

Click the icon to view the comments. The Comments window opens, and the comments are displayed. The date-time and user ID of the person who entered the comments are also displayed.

Click Close to close the Comments window.

• The Absent and Tardy fields are disabled during the ADA period, on the first day of school, and on the first day of enrollment.

• The Absent and Tardy fields are enabled during the ADA period if the student has a withdrawal reason due to a status change.

The Tardy field may not be displayed depending on campus attendance settings.

If the district allows tardies during the ADA period, the tardies may only be valid during a set number of minutes for the period. After this number of minutes has passed, the student should no longer be marked as Tardy and should be marked as Absent, although the program does not prevent you from marking a student as Tardy (except on the first day of semester 1). The number of minutes is determined by the district. If applicable, a message is displayed above the table indicating when tardies are valid.

Valid tardy minutes message

Students who are on a track that does not meet on the selected date are listed; however, the Absent, Tardy, and Present fields are replaced by a message indicating that the date is not a membership day for the student.

Students whose first day (or re-entry day) is not the official first day of school cannot be marked absent during the ADA period on their first day. The Absent option is disabled.

GradeThe student's grade level is displayed.
Course SectionThe course-section is displayed.
# StudentsThe total number of students enrolled in this period is displayed at the bottom of the Student ID column.
PrintClick to print the attendance roster for one period or all periods. The Attendance Roster Report Selection page opens allowing you to make selections for printing the Attendance Roster report.

Post attendance:

❏ After you have recorded attendance for the course, review your input carefully.

Be sure to follow procedures established by the district for recording attendance.

When you are satisfied with your attendance input, you must post the data.


Type your four-digit personal identification number (PIN).

For your convenience, the PIN box and Post button are displayed at the top and bottom of the attendance list. You can use either box to post attendance.

NOTE: Once attendance is posted the PIN box and Post button will be disabled.

❏ Click Post.

If you indicated that all students are present (and no absences were previously entered by the attendance clerk), you are prompted you to confirm that all students are marked present.

All Students Present pop-up message

❏ Click Confirm to confirm.

Attendance is posted.