Date |
Type a date in the MMDDYYYY format, or click NOTE: If you are setting up a seating chart before the first day of school, enter the date of the first class. |
Semester | The current semester is displayed by default. You can select another semester. |
Period |
Select the period-course to create a seating chart for. NOTE: If Combine Courses in Attendance is selected on your Settings > Update Profile page, the courses are combined by period. |
If a seating chart already exists for the period, the seating chart is displayed.
Layout Options | |
Rows Columns | Type the number of rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical) for the seating chart. You can have up to 11 rows and 11 columns. |
❏ Click Preview Layout.
The seating chart is displayed according to the criteria entered.
REMINDER: When you click Preview Layout, the changes are not saved. You must type your PIN and click Save Seating Chart to save the changes.
Unassigned Students | If there are more students enrolled in the class than seats available, the extra students are listed either beside or below the seating chart (depending on the size of the chart). |
Show Pictures | Select to display student photos in the seating chart. Photos are only available if they have been added by the district. |
❏ You can manually arrange students as needed by dragging a student to a new location.
Save changes:
PIN | Type your four-digit personal identification number (PIN). |
❏ Click Save Seating Chart.
Print the seating chart:
❏ Click Print.
The Seating Charts Report Selection page opens allowing you to make selections for running the report.