Skill Set Notes

Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Report Card Student Notes > Skill Set Notes

This page allows you to enter skill set-specific notes for individual students that will be printed on the elementary skills-based report cards at the bottom of each skill set section.

Update data:

❏ Select the students you want to enter notes for:

Course-SectionSelect an elementary skills-based course-section.
STUDENTStudents in the selected course-section are listed. Select a student to enter notes for.

The skill sets for the course (determined according to the report card for the selected course) are listed in the grid.

NotesFor each skill set, type the student-specific note. The note size allowed is specified at the district level.

Save data:

PINType your four-digit personal identification number (PIN).

❏ Click Save.

Clear data:

Clear All NotesClick to clear all existing notes for the student. You are prompted to confirm that you want to clear the notes. Click OK.