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grades:elementaryreportcardstudentcyclenotes [2020/05/21 16:03] – created jstanfordgrades:elementaryreportcardstudentcyclenotes [2021/12/13 14:49] apape
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-{{indexmenu_n>90}} +{{indexmenu_n>100}} 
-======Elementary Report Card Skillset Student Notes======+======Elementary Report Card Cycle Notes======
 <div #message></div> <div #message></div>
-//**Grades > Elementary Report Cards > Elementary Report Card Student Notes > Skillset Notes**// 
-<WRAP round intro>This page allows you to enter skillset-specific notes for individual students that will be printed on the elementary skills-based report cards at the bottom of each skillset section.</WRAP> 
-====Update data:==== 
-VCV Select the students you want to enter notes for: 
-^Course Section|{{page>general:elementary_report_cards_cycle_student_notes_course_section}}| 
-The skillsets for the course (determined according to the report card for the selected course) are listed in the grid.  
-====Save data:==== 
-VCV Click **Save**. 
-<div indent>If your changes were saved successfully, the page reloads, and a message is displayed indicating that the skills were saved successfully.</div> 
-====Clear data:==== 
-^Clear All Notes|{{page>general:elementary_report_cards_skillset_clear_notes}}|