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Interim Progress Reports

From this page you can print IPRs for the students selected on the IPR Selection page. The page can only be accessed through the Print IPR or Print IPR by Average page when you click Print selected IPRs.

Sample IPR

Printing tips:

View data:

The page displays IPRs for all students selected on the Print IPR page.

Assignments on the IPR are sorted by due date within each category. If a due date is not entered, the assignments are sorted alphabetically by assignment name.

Posted Average

If a posted or override average exists for the current cycle, it is displayed at the top of the IPR (below Subject).

Calculated AverageThe working cycle average is displayed for the cycle for which the IPR is printed.
M/D/YYYY Transfer Average from prior course (Weight N%)For students who transferred into the class, the transfer date, average, and weight are displayed on the first row of IPR data.

The following may be displayed in place of a grade:

• “Incomplete” - if the assignment is incomplete
• “Missing” - if the assignment grade is missing

The following may be displayed next to a grade:

• “(Excluded)” - If the assignment grade is excluded from the grade average calculation
• “(Dropped)” - If the assignment was dropped

If the course is using points-based weighting, the points earned and possible points are displayed. For example, 9/10 is displayed if the student earned 9 points and the assignment is worth 10 points.

If the course is using the percentage weighting type, and the possible points for a numeric grade is not 100, the possible points for the assignment is displayed. For example, 90/95 is displayed if the student earned 90 points and the assignment was worth 95 points. In this case, the grade does not calculate as 90.

LateIf the assignment was turned in late, the column displays an X.
RedoIf the assignment was re-done, the column displays an X

Standards-based classes

Previously Posted AveragesThe posted cycle averages for previous cycles are printed at the bottom of the IPR (above Comments).
CommentsAny comments entered on the IPR Comments page are displayed at the bottom of the IPR.

Print IPRs:

❏ Click Print.

Although the IPRs are displayed on the page without page breaks, each IPR prints individually with page breaks between each IPR.

❏ To return to the IPR Selection page, click back to IPR selection page.

The page displays IPRs for all students selected on the Print IPR page.

Assignments on the IPR are sorted by due date within each category. If a due date is not entered, the assignments are sorted alphabetically by assignment name.

Posted Average

If a posted or override average exists for the current cycle, it is displayed at the top of the IPR (below Subject).

Calculated AverageThe working cycle average is displayed for the cycle for which the IPR is printed.
M/D/YYYY Transfer Average from prior course (Weight N%)For students who transferred into the class, the transfer date, average, and weight are displayed on the first row of IPR data.

The following may be displayed in place of a grade:

• “Incomplete” - if the assignment is incomplete
• “Missing” - if the assignment grade is missing

The following may be displayed next to a grade:

• “(Excluded)” - If the assignment grade is excluded from the grade average calculation
• “(Dropped)” - If the assignment was dropped

If the course is using points-based weighting, the points earned and possible points are displayed. For example, 9/10 is displayed if the student earned 9 points and the assignment is worth 10 points.

If the course is using the percentage weighting type, and the possible points for a numeric grade is not 100, the possible points for the assignment is displayed. For example, 90/95 is displayed if the student earned 90 points and the assignment was worth 95 points. In this case, the grade does not calculate as 90.

LateIf the assignment was turned in late, the column displays an X.
RedoIf the assignment was re-done, the column displays an X

Standards-based classes

Previously Posted AveragesThe posted cycle averages for previous cycles are printed at the bottom of the IPR (above Comments).
CommentsAny comments entered on the IPR Comments page are displayed at the bottom of the IPR.

❏ Click Print.

Although the IPRs are displayed on the page without page breaks, each IPR prints individually with page breaks between each IPR.

❏ To return to the IPR Selection page, click back to IPR selection page.

ipr.1586464396.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/09 15:33 (external edit)