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Standard Score Trend Report (Standards-Based)

Reports > Standard Score Trend Report (Standards-Based)

This report displays a student's standard assignment grades in a line chart format, which allows you to see the student's grade progression for each standard. This report only applies to course-sections that are set up to use standards-based grading.

The rubric score grid lines are displayed according to the scale used by the campus.

  • The vertical line represents the rubric scores as established by the district.
  • The horizontal line represents the assignments that are associated with the selected standard.

Generate the report:

❏ Specify report options:

SemesterThe current semester is displayed. You can select a different semester.
CycleThe current cycle is displayed. You can select a different cycle. Or, select All to generate the report for all cycles to date in the current semester.
Course-SectionSelect the course-section for which to print the report. Or, select All to produce the report for all of your course-sections. The drop down lists the two-digit period and course name. The course number and section number are in parentheses.
StandardSelect the standard for which to print the report. Or, select All Standards to print the report for all standards, where one chart is displayed per standard.
StudentSelect the student to print the report for.

❏ Click Generate.

  • The report opens in a new window, and you can print the report from that window.
  • The report selection page remains open on your desktop.
reports/assignmentgradesperskillselection.1629723038.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/08/23 07:50 (external edit)