Student Profile

The Student Profile information pages display demographic and course-related data for the selected student, including contact information, attendance record, class schedule, and photo.

These pages are not available through the menus. To access these pages, click a student's ID on the Attendance, Manage Seating Charts, Assignment Grades, Cycle Grades, or IPR Selection pages.

The Student Profile always displays the Contact Information page by default. To view another section of the student's profile, click the link on the left side of the page for the section you want to view.

Student Profile page

View data:

Student Information

Student demographic information is displayed at the top of all Student Profile pages, including the student ID, name, birth date, Texas unique ID, grade level, entry date, withdrawal date, control number (if available), and sex. The student's physical address, mailing address, and phone number are displayed.

Special Programs
Generic Programs
Special program and generic program participation may be displayed depending on district and campus settings.
Medical Alerts

The medical alerts section is displayed for any student who has medical circumstances you should be aware of. This information can be accessed by clicking the student ID of any student who has a Star of Life icon Star of Life on Attendance > Post/View Attendance or the Grades > Assignment Grade.

Medical Alert #Medical alert information entered by the school nurse is displayed, only displayed if nurse has selected Consent to Display Alert in the Student system.
Action/InterventionAny necessary actions or interventions a staff member may need to take for the student are displayed.
Contact Information

Contact information is displayed for a list of people who should be contacted in case of an emergency, including the name, relationship to the student, cell phone number (if available), home phone number, business phone number (if available), other phone number (if available), and address.

PriorityThe priority order of the contacts is displayed as established on the campus contact record for the student.

The contact's full name is displayed.

If an email address exists for the contact, you can click the contact's name to send an email message to the contact. When you click the address, your default email client (as specified in your Internet Options settings) opens with the contact's address in the To field.

If you use web-based email (e.g., Gmail or Yahoo! Mail), you can copy the email address from the default email client to a web-based email message.

If the contact is designated as the person to receive mailouts for the student, the message “receive mailouts” is displayed below the contact's name.

preferred phoneIf the phone number has been designated as the preferred number for the contact, an asterisk is displayed next to the phone number, and the phone number is displayed in a bold font.
RtT (right to transport)

The column indicates if the contact person has the right to transport the student from school. The vehicle icon Vehicle is displayed in the column if the contact has permission.

Click Vehicle to view information about the contact's vehicle. A window opens that displays the contact's name and the vehicle make, model, color, and license plate number.

Each Student Profile information page must be printed separately.

❏ On the left side of the page, select the Student Profile information page you want to print.

❏ Click Print.

❏ Click Close Window (top-right corner) to close the Student Profile page.