ASCENDER - Key Business Fields for Fall PEIMS


This document outlines key Business data that is submitted during the Fall PEIMS Submission. As the year progresses, this information may be updated to include additional fields of data. This document refers to data in the TSDS Web-Enabled Data Standards (TWEDS) on TEA’s website (

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

* The red text indicates the domain's submission level as it appears on the District Administration > Options > TSDS > Domains & Entities page.

Education Organization Domain

First Level Submission

The Education Organization domain provides information about any public, charter, education service center, organization or agency.

Information from AskTED is imported into the Operational Data Store (ODS). As you send data, TEA matches the School ID (county district number) to existing district and campus information to ensure that the reported data is credited to the correct Local Education Agency (LEA).

EducationServiceCenter Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
Education Organization CategoryC331 01=ESC; 02=LEA
NameOfInstitution (E3037) N/APopulated from AskTED
EducationServiceCenterId (E1091) N/A – Region the ESC or LEA resides inPopulated from AskTED

LocalEducationAgency Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
Education Organization CategoryC331 01=ESC; 02=LEA
NameOfInstitution (E3037) N/APopulated from AskTED
LocalEducationAgencyId (E0212) LEA's County-district number (CCCDDD)
LocalEducationAgencyCategory (E3036) C337Populated from AskTED

School Entity

Campus Enrollment Type Set

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
CampusEnrollmentType (E1641) C219 02=transfers accepted
BeginDate (E3010)N/A – YYYYMMDD = first day of employment First instructional day for campus
EndDate (E3020)N/A – YYYYMMDD = day after last day of employment Last instructional day for campus + 1

NSLP Type Set – Completed by PEIMS Coordinator

SSAOrgAssociationExt Entity - Report of LEA's membership in any Shared Service Arrangements (SSAs)

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
SSAType (E0776)C049 02=Bilingual/English as a Second Language
FiscalAgentDistrictId (E0777)N/A – County-district number (CCCDDD) = Fiscal Agent’s county-district number 123456 = ESC XX

For more information about what qualifies as a Shared Service Arrangement (SSA), reference the current year TWEDS > Data Components > Domain > Education Organization > SSAOrgAssociationExt (under Entities).

Additional Information

Finance Domain

Third Level Submission

The Finance domain provides the financial information captured in accounts (both actuals and budgeted).

BudgetExt Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
BudgetFund (E0316B)C145B 199=General Fund, 240=National School Breakfast and Lunch Program
BudgetFunction (E0317B)C146B 11= Instruction, 36=Extracurricular Activities
BudgetObject (E0318B)C159B 5711=Taxes, Current Year Levy, 6100=Payroll Costs
Organization (E0319)N/A – Follow FAR Guide 001=High School Campus, 701=Superintendent
FiscalYear (E0974)N/A – Last digit in school year funds were granted 5=2024-2025
BudgetProgramIntent (E0320B)C147B 11= Basic Educational Services, 36=Early Education Allotment
BudgetAmount (E0321)N/A Dollar value budgeted, rounded to the nearest dollar
BeginDate (E3010)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day in force 20241015 means on Oct 15, 2024 the budget was amended
EndDate (E3020)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day no longer in force Typically, the day after the end of the fiscal year, so 20250901= end date for the 2024-2025 school/fiscal year.

ContractedInstructionalStaffFTEExt Entity

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
CIStaffProgramIntent (E0320C)C147C 11= Basic Educational Services, 23=Services to Students with Disabilities
TotalContractedInstrStaffFTETotal (E0980)N/A - measurement in relation to the standard workday 0.50=1 contracted instructional staff working every school day for half of the day

FTE calculations will consider the following:

For example, Mrs. Jones is hired to teach the tuba to three players on a contracted instructional staff basis. Her contract specifies that she will work two hours each Monday and each Friday for the entire school year. Her FTE is 0.25 (two hours worked divided by the eight-hour workday in the LEA) multiplied by 0.40 (two days divided by five days) multiplied by 1.0 (36 weeks worked divided by the 36-week instructional year) for a reported FTE of 0.10.

PayrollExt Entity - Staff are reported by Staff ID in the Staff Domain. This data is tied to that existing data.

DescriptorDescriptor TablePopulated FromExample(s)
PayrollFund (E0316P)C145P 199=General Fund, 205=Head Start
PayrollFunction (E0317P)C146P 11= Instruction, 36=Extracurricular Activities
PayrollObject (E0318P)C159P 6112=Salaries or Wages for Substitute Teachers, 6149=Employee Benefits
Organization (E0319) N/A – Follow FAR Guide.001=High School Campus, 701=Superintendent
FiscalYear (E0974) N/A – Last digit in school year funds were granted5=2024-2025
PayrollProgramIntent (E0320P)C147P 11= Basic Educational Services, 36=Early Education Allotment
PayrollAmount (E0425)N/A Dollar value budgeted, rounded to the nearest dollar
PayrollActivity (E0424)C018 02=UIL Athletics, 80=Base Salary
BeginDate (E3010)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day in force Contract Begin date. So, 20241015 means the employee began working Oct 15, 2024
EndDate (E3020)N/A - YYYYMMDD = first day no longer in force Contract end date + 1 day. So, 20250525 means the employee last worked on May 24, 2025.

For more information, review the General Reporting Requirements and Special Reporting Requirement sections of the Data Standards. Reference the current year TWEDS > Data Components > Domain > Education Organization > SSAOrgAssociationExt (under Entities).

Additional Information


Contracted Instructional Staff
