Position Management > Inquiry > PMIS Employee Historical Data Inquiry
The following historical inquiry is used to view historical information by employee name or employee number. The inquiry includes position data and salary information about the positions an employee has held (regular positions and supplemental positions).
Employee | Type the employee name or number. Or, click Directory to perform a search in the Employees directory. |
Start at Update Date | Type the beginning date for the inquiry in the MMDDYYYY format. This allows you to narrow the inquiry to a specific date range. |
❏ Click Retrieve.
The following information is displayed for each employee:
❏ Click to display the position record, distribution, and date information for the selected row. The following three tabs are available: Position Record, Distribution, and Date.
Position Record - This tab displays information similar to what is displayed on the Payroll > Maintenance > Staff Job/Pay Data > Job Info tab. The Orig Type indicates the process that was used to make the change.
Distribution - This tab displays the distribution information as it was on that date. You can view the account codes assigned to an employee in a prior fiscal year.
Date - This tab displays dates that were manually entered for this position for districts that maintain this information in the database. These dates are not system automated.
❏ Click Print to print the data. The report can be saved or printed in various file formats (PDF and CSV).