Inventory Records - BAM3000

Asset Management > Maintenance > Inventory Maintenance > Inventory Records

This tab used to create capital and inventory asset records manually or by importing Asset Management records from the Finance application.

  • Individual records can be created, edited, or deleted from this tab.
  • Asset Management records that are imported from the Finance application using the Transaction Records tab are automatically added to the inventory record.

Note: A capital asset (C) can only be changed to an inventory asset (I) after the depreciation record has been deleted. All code table entries must have been created and verified before you begin entering any Asset Management records. The following fields are required for depreciation calculations:

  • Inventory Type
  • Number of Units
  • Unit Cost
  • Total Cost
  • Acquired Date
  • Disposal Date

You can use the import function on the Transaction Records tab to import Asset Management records from the Finance application, and then save the file to automatically add inventory records. The record information is automatically added to the Inventory Records and Transaction Records tabs.

Add or modify a record:

AddClick to add an item.
Item NbrIf Automatic Item Numbering is not selected on the Asset Management Options page, type an item number. The field can be a maximum of ten digits.

Note: If Automatic Item Numbering is selected on the Asset Management Options page, the Item Nbr field is set to AUTO, and the Status and Gain Code fields default to the selection on the Asset Management Options table.

Retrieve an existing item

In the Item Nbr field, type the item number to be retrieved, if known. If the number is less than ten digits, the field is auto-filled with leading zeros.

Click Retrieve.

• If the item number is not known, click Directory.
• To search for a specific item number, type data in one or more of the search fields.
• To search through all available data, leave all fields blank.
• Click Search. A list of item numbers matching the search criteria is displayed.
• Select an item number from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Field Description
Catalog Nbr

Click Drop-down Arrow to select a catalog number. The catalog number must exist on the Tables > Catalog tab before it can be selected on this page.

If Use Catalog Description is selected on the Tables > Asset Management Options page, and you type an existing catalog number, the description from the Catalog table is used if the Description field is blank.

Vendor NbrThe vendor number is displayed and is retrieved from the first available transaction record with vendor information. Vendor information can be added to the transaction record from the Transaction Records tab.
Inventory TypeClick Drop-down Arrow to select an inventory type code (C for Capital Assets or I for Inventory Assets). The field is required for depreciation calculations.
StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a status code. The code must exist on the Tables > Status Code tab before it can be used on this page.
DepartmentType a code (e.g., 001 for High School) that defines the department that owns or uses the item. The field can be a maximum of six digits.
Room NbrType a code to indicate where the item is located. The field can be a maximum of eight digits.
Gain CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select a gain code. The code must exist on the Tables > Gain Code tab before it can be used on this page.
From YearType the year that the item was placed in service in the YYYY format.
To YearType the last year of the item’s estimated service life in the YYYY format.
ConditionClick Drop-down Arrow to select a code that describes the condition of the item. The code must exist on the Tables > Condition Code tab before it can be used on this page.
Acquired DateType the date in the MMDDYYYY format. If retrieved from Finance, the Check Date field from the Check Posting page is used. The field is required as it is used for inventory validation to maintain accurate depreciation calculations.
Last Inven DateType the date the item was last inventoried in the MMDDYYYY format. Otherwise, leave blank. You can select to automatically update the field when the Mass Update for Inventory/Capital Assets process is run.
Disposal DateType the date the asset was disposed of through sale or salvage. The field is required for depreciation calculations.
Estimated LifeType the expected life of the asset in years. The field can be a maximum of four digits in the ##.## format.
Sold ToType the name of the individual, company, or entity to whom the asset was sold when it was disposed of. Otherwise, leave blank.
Dt Last UpdateThe date the item record was last updated is displayed.
DescriptionType a description for the item. The field can be a maximum of 50 characters. If the Use Catalog Description field is selected on the Asset Management Options page, the description from the Catalog table is used if the Description field is blank.
Serial NbrType the serial number imprinted on the item by the factory, or type an LEA-assigned serial number. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
Vendor NameThe vendor name from the first available transaction record with vendor information is displayed. Vendor information can be added to the transaction record from the Transaction Records tab.
CampusClick Ellipsis Icon to select a campus code from the available list. The code must exist in the Finance Campus Name and Address table before it can be selected or used on this page.
Local Use1Type comments that are related to this record. The field can be a maximum of ten characters. Otherwise, leave blank.
Local Use2 and Local Use3Type any specific amounts that are related to this record. The fields can be a maximum of 11 digits. Otherwise, leave blank.
Number of Units

Type a quantity. The field is required for depreciation calculations and can be a maximum of 11 digits.

When the Number of Units and Unit Cost fields are entered, the Total Cost field is calculated.

Anytime the Number of Units field is changed, the Total Cost field is recalculated based on the unit cost.

Unit CostType the cost of an individual unit. The field is required for depreciation calculations and can be a maximum of 11 digits. If this is a multiple unit record, the cost field can be calculated using the formula Total Cost/Number of Units = Unit Cost.
Total Cost

Type a value for the cost of an item or group of items (the cost can include sales price, shipping, and handling).

Note: If the field is imported from the Finance save file, it is retrieved from the Expense Amount field in the Finance transaction file

Insurance CodeClick Drop-down Arrow to select an insurance code. The code must exist on the Tables > Insurance Code tab before it can be used on this page.
Insurance ValueType the replacement cost if this is a capital asset.
Sale PriceType the price that the asset was sold for when it was disposed of. Otherwise, leave blank.
Expense of SaleType the overhead cost of selling the asset when it was disposed of. Otherwise, leave blank.
Primary Inven NbrThis field is used when the expense of a new item needs to be related to the costs of an existing primary inventory item. When a capital asset is improved (e.g., a building addition, new motor), a new item number and depreciation schedule should be created for the improvement. If the primary inventory number is less than ten digits, the system fills the field with leading zeros.
On Loan ToType the name of the business or individual that borrowed the asset. Otherwise, leave blank.

❏ Click Save.

Other functions and features:


The Retrieve button is also used to retrieve information from the last save. If you click Retrieve, any unsaved changes are lost.

DocumentsView or attach supporting documentation.