Delete Funds - BUD7300

Budget > Utilities > Delete Funds

This page is used to delete all accounts for specific funds in the Budget master table. This function saves you from having to delete each account individually. A report of the deleted and not deleted funds is automatically generated.

All budget accounts are deleted for each of the funds selected, except:

  • If there are any next year requisitions that have not become a purchase order and the attached account codes for the line items match the selected funds, the selected funds are not deleted, and an error message is displayed on the report.
  • If there is an account code that is attached to a purchase order encumbrance transaction that matches the selected funds and the encumbrance transaction has not been reversed, the selected funds are not deleted, and an error message is displayed on the report.

All available fund/year accounts are displayed on the left side of the page.

❏ Select the fund/year accounts to delete.

❏ Use the following buttons to move the selected fund/years to the right side of the page.

Single Forward Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Double Forward Arrow - Click to move all entries from the left side to the right side of the page.
Single Back Arrow - Click to move selected entries from the right side to the left side of the page.
Double Back Arrow - Click to move all entries from the right side to the left side of the page.

❏ Click Execute to delete the selected funds. The Budget System Delete Funds Change Report is displayed. Review the report.

❏ Click Process to process the selected accounts.

A message is displayed indicating that the process was successfully completed. Click OK.

❏ Click Cancel to return to the Delete Funds page without deleting the selected funds.