FIN1850 - Student Activity Fund Report

Finance > Reports > Finance Reports > Journals, Checks, Detail Ledgers > Student Activity Fund Report

The report prints a list of student fund activities. The Principal's Report is a summary listing of transactions. The Sponsor's Club Report is a detailed listing of transactions.

Note: The report is only generated if the LEA uses and identifies a Student Activity Fund on the Finance > Tables > District Finance Options > Finance Options page.

Parameter Parameter Description
Include Previous Months' Balances? (Y/N)

Y - Include balances from previous months on the report.

N - Do not include balances from previous months on the report.

This is a required field.

From Accounting PeriodType the two-digit from accounting period. This is a required field.
To Accounting PeriodType the two-digit to accounting period. This is a required field.
Select Principal's Report (P) or Sponsors/Club Report (C)

P - Print a principal's report without account detail, and do not display the prior month balance.

C - Print a sponsor's or club report with account detail.

This is a required field.

Page break on sub-obj (Sponsors/Club Report only)? (Y/N)

Y - Insert a page break on the subobject for the Sponsors/Club Report only.

N - Do not insert a page break on the subobject for the Sponsors/Club Report only.

Enter significant digits for fields to select on

Type the account code numbers or account code number mask separating multiple account code numbers with a comma (e.g., 199-XX-XXXX.XX-XXX-XXXXXX, 224-XX-XXXX.XX-XXX-XXXXXX). Or, click Ellipsis Icon to create an account code mask. Otherwise, leave blank to use all account codes.

Generate the report.