Create 1099 Work Table - FIN7400

Finance > Utilities > Create 1099 Work Table

This utility is used to create a 1099 work table from the check transaction table or delete all 1099 records by date range at the end of the current year. The check date in the check transaction is used for comparison with the dates specified on this page. The following transactions are not extracted:

  • Check transactions that have been reversed or voided.
  • Check transactions that do not have a check date.
  • Check transactions that have a check number of PAYABL or REVRSL.
  • Check transactions for vendors not marked as 1099 eligible.

Prior to creating the 1099 work table for a new calendar year, you must first delete the prior year records. Transactions are retained in the work table from the previous year unless they are deleted.

Create a 1099 work table:

Field Description
Beginning Date

Type the starting date in the MMDDYYYY format to use as a range to select check transactions to be added or deleted from the 1099 work table.

If no beginning date is specified, 01-01-YYYY, where YYYY is from the from School Year field on the Tables > District Finance Options page is used as the default date. If there is no data in the School Year field, an error is generated.

Ending Date

Type the ending date in the MMDDYYYY format to use as a range to select check transactions to be added or deleted from the 1099 work table.

If no ending date is specified, 12-31-YYYY, where YYYY is from the from School Year field on the District Finance Options page is used as the default date. If there is no data in the School Year field, an error is generated.

Use 1099 Object Codes TableSelected by default to only extract transactions for 1099-eligible vendors with object codes in the Object Code table. If not selected, all transactions for all 1099 eligible vendors are extracted.

❏ Click Delete to clear any existing work tables.

  • It is recommended that you export both the current and previous file IDs before deleting the 1099 work table, since an export prompt is not offered and since the 1099 work table includes transactions from two file IDs.
  • Specify the beginning and ending dates for deleting transactions; if no dates are specified, all 1099 work table transactions are deleted.
  • It is recommended that you review the FIN2050 - 1099 Report to verify that all transactions are deleted.

❏ Click Add to create a 1099 work table. You are prompted for any adjustments needed to other tables within Finance.

  • The table populates the 1099 Record Maintenance page and allows you to modify entries. If you created the 1099 Object Codes table prior to running this process, only transactions that have the same object code as the 1099 Object Code table are selected. If the Create 1099 Work Table - Add is performed after a manual add or manual change of an existing record, the manual entries are not deleted by this process. If the Create 1099 Work Table - Delete is performed after a manual add or manual change of an existing record, the manual entries are deleted by the process. Check transactions that are voided or marked Payable or Reversed are not extracted.
  • If a transaction is deleted from a vendor and the Create 1099 Work Table is run again, that transaction must be deleted again.
  • The process of creating the 1099 work table uses file ID C and the file ID designation in the Previous Year File ID field on the District Finance Options > Finance Options tab for file ID C to determine which file IDs to use. Once the Create 1099 Work Table process is initiated, if check transactions are detected for another file ID other than C and the Previous Year File ID field is blank on the Finance Options tab in file ID C, a warning message asking for confirmation to continue is displayed.
    • Click Yes to continue (only file ID C is processed) or No to stop.

A message is displayed indicating the number of rows added to the table. Click OK.