Reverse PO by Range - FIN6300

Finance > Utilities > Mass Purchase Order Reversal > Reverse PO by Range

This utility is used to mass reverse purchase orders by purchase order range in Finance or Purchasing. The following rules apply to purchase order reversals:

  • Purchase orders created in Finance can be mass reversed in Finance or Purchasing.
  • Purchase orders created in Purchasing can be mass reversed in Finance or Purchasing.
  • Purchase orders created in the next accounting period can only be mass reversed in the next accounting period.
  • Purchase orders created in the current accounting period can be mass reversed in either the current or next accounting period.
  • If a purchase order has transactions for multiple funds, only the transactions associated with the selected fund are reversed.

The export file must be run before the reversal can be performed. The export process allows you to export a copy of the current finance and requisition tables to an archive prior to performing the reversal. Users are allowed to update accounts by their user IDs.

Mass reverse purchase orders by range:

❏ Under Purchase Order Number Range:

Field Description
FromType the beginning of the range of purchase order numbers to be reversed.
ToType the ending number of the range of purchase order numbers to be reversed.

❏ Click Execute to execute the process. If any errors are encountered, the Mass Purchase Order Reversal by Range Error Report is displayed. Review the report.

  • Click Continue to continue the process.
  • Click Cancel to return to the Reverse PO by Range tab. The Mass Purchase Order Reversal by Range report is displayed.
    • Click Process to proceed. You are prompted to create a backup.
    • Click Cancel to return to the tab.
      • Click Yes to create an export.
      • Click No to continue the process without creating an export.

A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully. Click OK.


  • At the completion of the reversal process, the encumbrance transaction reason column is automatically populated with MASS REVERSAL.
  • Requisitions are only deleted if the following conditions apply:
    • The purchase order balance equals zero.
    • All check transactions have been printed.
    • The purchase order is fully liquidated.