Type an account code. As you type the account code, a drop-down list of corresponding account numbers is displayed. Select an account number.
If the account code is not known, place the cursor in the account code field and press F2. Or, click . The Account Codes lookup is displayed.
To search for a specific account code component, type data in the applicable account code components, or leave blank for all account codes.
Click Search. A list of available account code components is displayed.
Select an account code component from the list. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Cash Receipt page.
The Description and Contra Account Code fields are automatically populated. The contra account is set to the same fund number and fiscal year as the account number. (The fund and fiscal year must be the same as the account number.) The Contra Account Code is a user-defined object/subobject code that is in the Finance Automatic Posting Defaults section on the Tables > District Finance Options > Clearing Fund Maintenance tab. If you manually type a contra account code, the function code must be 00, and the object code must be 11XX, 181X, or 191X.
Click Validate Account Code to verify the account code for the transaction.