❏ Click the Accounts link to select a line item. The line item is highlighted for editing and you can view or add accounts for the selected line item in the Accounts section at the bottom of the page.
Note | Click to add or read a note for the item. If a paper clip is displayed next to the Note button, an item note exists.
In the note window, review the existing notes or type new or additional notes (justification or instructions) about the item. This information is for internal use only. |
Item | The sequential number of the row is automatically populated. |
Catalog Nbr | Type an item catalog number. This field can be a maximum of 15 characters. |
Description | Type a short description (e.g., computer, pens, books, etc.) of the item being ordered. This field is required and can be a maximum of 30 characters. |
Unit of Issue | |
Quantity | Type the quantity in units of issue for the requested item. |
Unit Price | Type the price per unit of issue for the requested item. |
SubTotal | The subtotal is populated based on the Quantity and Unit Price fields. |
Commodity Code | Begin typing a commodity code or description. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select the applicable commodity code. The commodity codes are maintained on the District Administration > Tables > Commodity Codes page. The commodity code can be selected and changed on a saved requisition and also by an approver once submitted. Note: If Restrict Commodity Codes to Buyer is selected on the District Administration > Options > Purchasing/Warehouse page, only buyers (i.e., Buyer is selected on the District Administration > Maintenance > User Profiles > Purchasing Permissions tab) can view the Commodity Code field. If Restrict Commodity Codes to Buyer is not selected, then all users can view the Commodity Code field. |
Discount % | If there is a discount on the line item, type the value (percent) to be reduced from the item price. The Discount Amt field is populated when another field is selected. |
Discount Amt | Type a value of the discount amount. The Discount % field is recalculated when another field is selected. |
Freight Elig | Select if the requisition item is eligible for transportation charges and you want to include the freight cost in the requisition total. If not selected, the Freight % and Freight Amt fields are disabled. |
Freight % | Type the percentage value of the item's purchase price for the item's transportation charges. The Freight Amt field is calculated and the Freight Cost field is adjusted when another field is selected. |
Freight Amt | Type the freight charge amount. The Freight % and Freight Cost fields are adjusted when another field is selected. |
Totals | The total line item value is displayed. The discount and freight amounts are included in the calculation. |
Status | |
Long Description | Type a detailed item description (e.g., training dates, etc.) |
Requisition Total | The calculated total cost for each item in the requisition based on the quantity ordered and unit price per item is displayed. |
❏ Click Refresh Totals to update the totals if any amounts are changed in the grid.
The last line of the requisition displays the requisition subtotal (quantity x unit price), discount amount, freight amount, and requisition total (the total calculated requisition amount including discounts and freight amounts).
❏ Click +Add to add additional line items.