The following buttons are displayed at the top of the page.


Click Spyglass Icon to select or view the account code(s) for the selected item. The account code data is displayed in the lower grid.

Vendor Notes

Click to add or view vendor notes. A Vendor Notes window is displayed. If there is a paper clip next to the Vendor Notes button, a requisition vendor note exists. In the Vendor Notes window, type the note to be printed on the purchase order for the vendor to view.


If you are using a preprinted purchase order form, the text displayed on the purchase order is limited to one line that is approximately three inches in length.

If you are not using a preprinted purchase order form, the text displayed on the purchase order is limited to three lines that are approximately three inches in length. Use the scale above the text to measure the length of the note.

Click OK to save the vendor note and close the window.
Click Cancel to close the window without saving the note.


Click to add or view requisitions comments. These comments are displayed on the District copy of the purchase order. A Requisition Comments window is displayed. If there is a paper clip icon next to the Comments button, a requisition comment exists. In the Requisition Comments window, type comments about the requisition.

Click OK to save the requisition comment and close the window.
Click Cancel to close the window without saving the comment.

❏ Click Print to print the requisition for your records.