Click to execute the process. A message is displayed prompting you create a backup.
Click Yes to perform a system backup. Otherwise, click No to not perform a system backup and continue the process.
The Export File Name field is display only.
Click Execute to continue the export. Otherwise, click Cancel to close the page without completing the task.
A message is displayed indicating that you are about to export tables and confirming that you want to continue. Click Yes to continue the export. Otherwise, click No to cancel the export.
Type a password for the exported file, and then click OK. The File Download page is displayed.
Click Save to save the file. A Save As dialog box is displayed.
In the
Save in field, click
to navigate to the appropriate folder.
In the File name field, the file name is set to dbcccddd_mmddyyyy_fin.rsf, where cccddd is the county-district number and mmddyyyy is the current date. You can type a different name for the file.
Click Save. Otherwise, click Cancel to close the Save As dialog box without saving the file.