Copy active staff to the CYR

Log on to the next year payroll frequency.

Payroll > Next Year > Copy NYR Staff to CYR

Copy active employees with July contracts to the current year. You can select specific employees to copy using the following parameters: Contract Months, Contract Begin Date, Contract End Date, Payoff Date, Extract ID, or Employee Number.

Copy NYR Staff to CYR Page

❏ Under Options, select the appropriate option:

Field Description
Include Employees with Termination DateSelect to copy employees with a termination date. Leave blank to exclude employees with termination dates from the current year records.
Carry over employee deductionsSelect to copy employee payroll deductions (e.g., insurance, dues) from the next year to the current year. Leave blank to exclude the employee payroll deductions from the current year records.
Only process employee deductionsSelect to copy only the selected employee deductions from the next year to the current year. If this field is selected, Carry over employee deductions is cleared (if selected).

❏ Select Preview Changes.

❏ Click Execute. Review the list and click Process.