Use the following fields to narrow your search of pending approvals:

YearType a four-digit grant year.
Grant TypeBegin typing the grant type or description. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a grant. If the grant type or description is not known, click Ellipsis Icon to select a grant from the Grant Types lookup or press the Spacebar to view a list of grant types.

❏ Click Drop Down Arrow to select the request type (ALL, Budget Adj & Rev, Reimbursement).

❏ Click Retrieve. A list of pending requests matching your search criteria is displayed if any.

Under Transactions Pending Approval:

❏ Select the top-level check box to select/unselect all transactions. Or, select individual check boxes to only select specific transactions.

DetailClick Spyglass Icon to view the corresponding details for the transaction and any documents attached to the transaction (if applicable). You can edit, save, and submit budget adjustment requests, budget revision requests, and reimbursement requests. Depending on the transaction type and status, either the Budget Adjustment Request, Budget Revision Request, or the Reimbursement Request pop-up window opens.

Note: After the final transaction is submitted for a grant year and ID, no other requests can be submitted.

DocIf documents exist for the transaction, Paper Icon is displayed. Click Paper Icon to open the Document Attachments pop-up and view the existing uploaded documents. The Document Attachments feature in this view is read-only.
MemberThe member county district number and name tied to the transaction are displayed.
YearThe grant year for the transaction is displayed.
Grant IDThe grant ID for the transaction is displayed.
Transaction DateThe transaction date is displayed.
TypeThe transaction type is displayed.
AmountThe transaction amount is displayed. This amount includes the sum of all object class amounts for the grant year and ID.
Final RptFor reimbursement requests only: If selected, the originator has indicated that the request is the final transaction for the grant year and ID. This field is display-only.

❏ Click Approve to approve the request.

❏ Click Return to return the request to the originator. The returned requests are removed from the list.