❏ Under Grant Maintenance:

YearType the four-digit grant year. The grant year and ID must be a unique pair.
Grant IDType a grant ID. Dashes are allowed. This field can be a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters. Or, click Ellipsis Icon to select an existing grant ID from the Grant IDs lookup. The grant year and ID must be a unique pair.
MemberBegin typing a member name or six-digit county district number. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a member. If the member name or county district number is not known, click Ellipsis Icon to select a member from the Member lookup or press the SPACEBAR to view a list of members.

When creating a new record, only members that exist on the Grants and Projects > Tables > SSA Members > Member Information tab can be selected.
Grant TypeBegin typing the grant type or description. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a grant. If the grant type or description is not known, click Ellipsis Icon to select a grant from the Grant Types lookup or press the SPACEBAR to view a list of grant types.

When creating a new record, only grant types that exist on the Grants and Projects > Tables > SSA Grants > Grant Types tab can be selected.
StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a status (Active, Closed, or Canceled) for the grant.

Expense AccountType the account number to be charged for any reimbursements processed for the grant ID. Or, in each of the account code fields, click Ellipsis Icon to select an account code component from the corresponding lookup. The selected account code component is populated in the corresponding field.

The selected account code must exist in Finance file ID C. Student Activity Funds are not allowed.

❏ Under Dates:

Begin DateType the grant begin date in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Or, select a date from the calendar.
End DateType the grant end date in the MM-DD-YYYY format. Or, select a date from the calendar.

❏ Under Reserve:

The following fields can be used to track reserve amounts. For example, if a grant guideline requires the grantee to hold back a portion (percentage or amount) of the grant until the end of the grant. This field is for information purposes only and does not affect grant calculations or totals.

Reserved PercentType the reserved percentage amount. Valid values are 0-100.
Reserved Amount Type the reserved amount. This amount cannot be greater than 999,999,999.99.

❏ Under Final Report:

Due DateType the final reporting due date for the grant. This date must be after the grant End Date.
Processed IndicatorThis check box is display only and is automatically updated after the final transaction is submitted for a Year and Grant ID.

The following information is only displayed for existing records:

❏ Under Summary:

Total AwardThe original amount of the award plus or minus any revisions that have been approved (posted) is displayed.
ReimbursementsThe reimbursement amounts that have been paid are displayed.
Pending ReimbursementsThe reimbursement amounts that have been approved but not paid are displayed.
Eligible RemainingThe eligible remaining amount of the award (calculated Total Award - Reimbursements and Pending Reimbursements = Eligible Remaining) is displayed.
Matching FundsThe total amount of matching funds is displayed.