Complete fund to grant information

Log on to the current year payroll frequency.

Personnel > Tables > Salaries > Fund to Grant

IMPORTANT: All applicable federal grants must have a fund to grant code listed in the TRS Grant Cd field on this tab. If not, TRS federal grant care and TRS federal grant deposit amounts will not be calculated for that specific fund during payroll.

Verify that the applicable federal grant funds (200-300) have a two-digit TRS grant code.

Exception: If using the TRS Child Nutrition worksheet for TRS reporting, the child nutrition funds (240 and 242) should NOT have a grant code assigned.

Fund to Grant Tab

This generates salaries for the TRS 3 and TRS 489 reports.

In order for a fund to be displayed on this page, the fund must exist in an account code on the Finance Chart of Accounts. The codes are LEA-specific.