The RP25 record is used to report adjustments to an employee's previously reported compensation and contribution information. RP25 Payroll Adjustment records can be used to correct an incorrectly submitted RP20 or to add a detail record omitted from a previous report. This is a net difference transaction.
The Emp Nbr, Staff ID/SSN, Name, DOB, and Gender fields are displayed and cannot be changed.
Under Job Info:
Under Monthly Amount:
TRS Gross | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of regular eligible compensation, Do not include performance pay. |
TRS Grant Gross | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants for the adjustment month. |
Emplr TRS Care Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the reporting entity's contribution to TRS Care based on eligible compensation reported for the adjustment month. |
Perfor Pay Gross | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of performance pay. |
TRS Care | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the member's contribution to TRS Care based on regular eligible compensation reported for the adjustment month. |
TRS Grant Deposit | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state's matching contribution based on eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants for the adjustment month. |
Emplr New Member Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state's matching contribution on eligible compensation paid to a new TRS member during the first 90 days of employment. |
State Min | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state minimum compensation for the adjustment month. |
TRS Sal Reduction | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the regular monthly member retirement contribution reported. |
TRS Grant Care | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state TRS Care matching contribution based on eligible compensation paid from Federal funds or private grants for the adjustment month. |
Emplr TRS Non-OASDI Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the local education agency's (LEA) contribution amount for TRS-eligible compensation paid to employees. |
Stat Min Contrib | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of the state's matching contribution for eligible compensation paid above the state minimum. |
Total Gross Pay | Type the net difference between the originally reported amount and the correct amount of total gross compensation. |
Under Service Credit:
Under Adj Report Period: