Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Position Modify > Position Record

If necessary, update the Increase Eligible field to identify the employees who are eligible to receive a salary increase for the new school year when running simulations. Only the employees with this field selected will receive a salary increase.

PMIS Position Modify Page With Increase Eligible

❏ Clear the Increase Eligible field for new employees who are not entitled to a salary increase. Remember that the next year Position Management pay step reflects the same current year Position Management pay step, and the step is increased in the salary simulations if the Increase Eligible field is selected.

PMIS Position Modify Page With New Employee

❏ If necessary, update the New Employee field to identify new employees on forecast position records. If selected, the salary simulations will budget the employer contribution for new employees even though they do not have current year payroll records.


This field is not displayed on supplemental position records.

If the position is changed to any status other than Active, the field is disabled.

❏ Clear this field If an employee is no longer new to the LEA.

Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Position Modify > Budget

If there are retirees who work in the LEA, confirm that the TRS Status field is set to 5 - Retired. If the TRS status is incorrect, there is a possibility that the status will be incorrect (TRS-eligible) when the employee is moved to the current year payroll.