Perform an inquiry

Bank Reconciliation > Inquiry > Bank Transactions Status Inquiry

Bank Reconciliation Inquiry

This page is used to perform a status inquiry on cash receipts, checks, and journal vouchers.

Perform an inquiry:

❏ Retrieve bank transactions using one or more of the following search parameters:


  • At least one search parameter must be entered.
  • If a to number is not entered, transactions beginning with the from number through the last available number are retrieved.
  • If a to date is not entered, transactions beginning with the from date through the current date are retrieved.
Field Description
Check Nbr From and ToType a beginning and ending check number range
Cash Rcpt Nbr From and ToType a beginning and ending cash receipt number range.
Date From and ToType a beginning and ending date range for which to retrieve cash receipts, checks, and journal vouchers. Or, select a date from the calendar.
JV NbrType a journal voucher number.
Vendor NbrType a vendor number for which to retrieve check transactions.
Employee NbrType an employee number.

❏ Click Retrieve. The applicable bank transactions are displayed under the respective section.

The number of transactions listed in each section is displayed next to the section heading (e.g., Cash Receipts Inquiry (50)).

The section is expanded based on the entered search parameter(s). For example, if only the Check Nbr search parameter is used, then the Checks Inquiry section is automatically expanded with a list of the applicable check transactions.

Cash Receipts Inquiry

❏ The Cash Receipts Inquiry section is expanded by default if cash receipts are retrieved. Click Cash Receipts Inquiry to collapse the section. The following cash receipt information is displayed:

Receipt Nbr
Vendor name
Recon Title
Recon Date

By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by cash receipt number. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order

Checks Inquiry

❏ Click Checks Inquiry to expand the section and view the check transaction details. Click Checks Inquiry to collapse the section. The following check information is displayed:

MICR - only displays when the check has been reconciled.
Check Nbr
Payee Nbr
Payee Name
Recon Title
Recon Date

By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by check number. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order

Journal Vouchers Inquiry

❏ Click Journal Vouchers to expand the section and view the journal voucher details. Click Journal Vouchers to collapse the section. The following journal voucher information is displayed:

JV Nbr
Recon Title
Recon Date

By default, the results are sorted in ascending order by check number. Click a column heading to sort the data in ascending or descending order.

Ascending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order
Descending Column Sort Arrow - indicates that the column is sorted in descending order

Other functions and features:


Click to retrieve data.

ResetClick to clear the data on the page.

This button is only displayed if an error is encountered on the page.

A red outline is displayed around the button, and an Errors pop-up window is displayed with a list of the encountered errors.

Click Close Icon to close the pop-up window.