❏ In the top grid, click to inquire about the selected requisition. The requisition information from the Create/Modify Requisition page is displayed.
Field | Description |
Status | The current status of the requisition is displayed. |
The middle grid displays each item included in the requisition.
Accounts | Click to view details of the account associated with the individual item. |
Item | The item number from the list of items on the requisition is displayed. |
Item Apprvl Stat | The current status of the requisition is displayed. |
Item Recv Stat | The current status of the requisition is displayed. |
Catalog Nbr | The catalog number for the item is displayed. |
Description | The name of the item is displayed. |
Unit of Issue | The unit size for each item is displayed. |
Unit Price | The price per unit for each item is displayed. |
Quantity | The quantity per line item is displayed. |
Sub Total | The subtotal per line item is displayed. |
Discount % | The discount percentage per item is displayed. |
Discount Amt | The discount dollar amount per item is displayed. |
Freight Elig | The amount of eligible freight per item is displayed. |
Freight % | The percentage of freight per item is displayed. |
Freight Amt | The total freight amount per item is displayed. |
Total | The total dollar amount per line item is displayed. |
Commodity Code | The commodity code for the line item is displayed. |
The bottom grid displays the list of approvers for the requisition and the requisition originator (sequence 0).