The From and To Date fields default to your current fiscal year.
TIP: Use the following fields to narrow your inquiry search. For example, you can perform a search on a specific requisition Status to only display a list of requisitions with the selected status. By narrowing your search parameters, you can avoid retrieving large amounts of data in a single instance.
Req Nbr | Type the requisition number to be retrieved. |
PO Nbr | Type the purchase order number to be retrieved. Leading zeros are not required. However, if the purchase order number is alphanumeric, the field is not zero-filled. |
Contr Type | Click to select a contract type. |
From Date | Type the beginning search date in the MMDDYYYY format. |
To Date | Type the ending search date in the MMDDYYYY format.
Note: The Date Requested is the date considered when using the From Date and To Date parameters.
Status | Click to select a status to be included in the search. |
Vendor Number | Type the vendor number. |
Vendor Name | Type the vendor name. |
Requestor Name | Type the requestor name. |
Bid Category | Type the bid category code. |
Click Retrieve. Requisitions and purchase orders that you have submitted but that have not been received are displayed in the three grids.