ASCENDER - Contract Requisition/Purchase Order Checklist

Created: 05/14/2019
Reviewed: 06/29/2022
Revised: 06/29/2022

The purpose of this document is to guide you through the necessary steps to create contract requisitions and/or purchase orders. Before performing any tasks, print the Contract Requisition/Purchase Order Checklist and perform all tasks in the order listed below:

This document assumes you are familiar with the basic features of the ASCENDER Business system and have reviewed the ASCENDER Business Overview guide.

Some of the images and/or examples provided in this document are for informational purposes only and may not completely represent your LEA’s process.

1. Finance > Maintenance > Vendor Information > Vendor Name/Address

Select Contract Eligible to identify vendors that can be used when creating a contract requisition.

2. Purchasing > Maintenance > Contract Type/Format > Contract Type

Create a contract type and associated description.

Example: A contract for maintenance could be set up with a contract type M, and the description could be Maint Contract. The M is displayed at the beginning of the assigned purchase order number.

3. Purchasing > Maintenance > Contract Type/Format > Contract Format

Populate the page with the contract (whether typing or copying from another document). Click Variables to add variables where needed in the document.

Click to print the contract.

4. Purchasing > Maintenance > Create/Modify Contract Requisition

Select Contract Type.

Select Contract Format Nbr.

Populate the Contract Begin Date and Contract End Date fields.

Click Scope of Work, and type the scope of the work that is to be added to the contract. The variable should exist in the Contract Format contract template so it can be populated in the appropriate place on the contract.

4. Purchasing > Reports > Purchase Order Reports > REQ1450 - Print Purchase Orders

Once the requisition has become a purchase order, print the purchase order and the contract.