Carry forward end balance sheet account balances

Log on to file ID 4.

Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Processing > Create New Accounts by Fund

Skip this step if you prefer to manually enter opening entries.

Carry forward the ending balance sheet account balances from file ID 4 to file ID C. This step will copy the accounts and balances to file ID C. If the account already exists, it will not recreate the account but instead will add the amount to the balance that exists in the account for file ID C. The balancing entry for each fund, if needed, will be to the account whose object is the actual fund balance object code from the Fund tab in the Account Code table in file ID C. If a budgetary fund balance amount is transferred, the amount may need to be moved.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you need to be aware of the funds that were Continued in the current file ID (as part of the EOY Finance process). You cannot carry forward balances for Continued funds.

Creat New Accounts by Fund

❏ Select the appropriate accounting period.

❏ In the JV Number field, type OPENBA.

❏ In the Transaction Date field, type the transaction date.

❏ Use the arrow buttons to move the applicable funds to the right side of the page. The fiscal year should increment by one.

❏ Click Select Class.

❏ In the Select All field, select the following:

❏ Click Execute. After you click Execute, the Create New Accounts By Fund Error Report may be displayed. Review the report and make corrections as needed. Repeat this step or click Continue.

❏ Once you click Continue, a preview report is displayed. It is recommended that you print or save this report for your records.

Create New Accounts by Fund Report

❏ Click Process to process the report. A message is displayed indicating that the process was successful.