Vendor | Begin typing the vendor name or number for which you want to reconcile credit card transactions. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a vendor number or name, and click Retrieve. Only active credit card vendors that are in use by a transaction are displayed in the drop-down list. |
Credit Card Code | Type the corresponding credit card code that you want to reconcile. As you type the data, a drop-down list of corresponding data is displayed. Select a credit card code. Only credit cards codes that are assigned to the selected vendor on the Tables > Credit Card Codes page are displayed in the drop-down list. |
Acct Period |
Click |
Include Prev File ID | Select to include all credit card transactions from the previous file ID.
Click Retrieve. All pending credit card returns/payments and outstanding credit card charges for the selected credit vendor or vendor and card code, and accounting period are displayed.