District Administration > Tables > Commodity Codes

The commodity code table allows you to define “like-types” of items. You have two options to create the commodity code table.

1. Manually add the commodity code data.

❏ Click +Add to add a row.

Group IDType a group ID to identify a group of “like-types” of items. This field can be a maximum of three characters.
Commodity ItemType a commodity item code to further narrow the group of “like-types” of items into a subcategory. This field can be a maximum of eight characters.
DescriptionType a description for the Group ID. This field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
StatusClick Drop-down Arrow to select a status for the commodity code (A-Active or I-Inactive).
ThresholdType the threshold amount for the group of “like-types” of items. This amount is used for tracking and reporting purposes. The amount may be set to any threshold amount and is displayed on the Commodity Code Actual Cost Report.

❏ Click Save.


2. (Recommended) Upload a commodity code file.

The upload feature allows you to import commodity codes to the commodity codes table by uploading a tab-delimited file. A complete file is available on the Texas Comptroller website; however, it contains many items that LEA's would not typically use. Contact your regional ESC consultant for a smaller file containing codes that are common to LEAs.

❏ Click Upload File. The File Selection page is displayed.

The threshold amount for the group of “like-types” of items is optional. This amount is used for tracking and reporting purposes. The amount may be set to any threshold amount and is displayed on the Commodity Code Actual Cost Report. (covered in a later step)