Scenario 1: MULTI PAY DATE - Finance set up future pay dates with overlapping pay periods for the same pay frequency.
When a WorkJournal work week with a start date 07/25/2021 is submitted for approval before Pay Date 1 has been processed, Pay Date 1 (08/01/2021) is displayed as the Pay Date on the Approve WorkJournals page.
Once Pay Date 1 has been processed and the WorkJournal work week with a start date 07/25/2021 has not been approved, Pay Date 2 is displayed as the Pay Date on the Approve WorkJournals page.
Scenario 2: NO PAY DATE - An employee submits a WorkJounal work week late or a Supervisor or Alternate Approver forgets to approve their employee's WorkJournal work week before payroll is processed, in this case, the WorkJournal work week may not be tied to a pay date and the Pay Date may be blank on the Approve WorkJournals page.