Note: If your LEA comes across a situation where teachers are not being captured in the ASCENDER Student system for grade reporting or scheduling, contact your regional ESC consultant for guidance.

Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Position Modify or PMIS Supplement Modify

PMIS Position Modify Page

If working on the Distribution tab, you must select an account code from the autosuggest drop down in the Account Code field versus typing in the full account code in order to validate against the grant code table.

If necessary, use one of the following options to vacate an employee from a position:

Option 1: It is best practice to use the Position Management > Utilities > Vacate Employee from Forecast Positions page to vacate a position.

Typically, when an employee decides to leave the LEA at the end of the year, the employee is paid off in payroll at the end of their contract; therefore, no additional action is necessary for the current year. However, in the forecast records, the employee must be removed from all existing positions.

Vacate Employee From Forecast Positions Page

Option 2: Use the Position Management > Maintenance > PMIS Forecast Change page (only available in the next year payroll) to change an employee from one position to another. A list of the employee's existing positions is displayed with a section to either enter a new position or vacate a position.

PMIS Forecast Change Page