This page was removed as a result of the Bank Reconciliation application implementation.

(OBSOLETE) Bank Account Group - FIN2300

Finance > Tables > Bank Account Fund Groups > Bank Account Group

This tab is used to setup bank account group codes that are used for bank reconciliation and positive pay. Each bank account group has fund codes and fund years associated with that group. These bank groups are also used to group accounts in the FIN3350 - Cash Position by Bank, FIN1000 - Cash Receipts Journal, FIN1250 - Check Register, FIN1300 - Check Payments List, FIN1750 - Year-To-Date Check Payments List, and FIN1800 - Year To Date Check Register List.

Set up a bank account group code:

Click +Add to add a row.

Field Description
CodeType a four-character code for the bank account group.
DescriptionType the bank account group description. The field can be a maximum of 30 characters.
Bank Account NbrType the account number for the bank account group. The field can be a maximum of 17 digits. The account number is displayed on the report for the positive pay export in Finance.

Click Save.

Other functions and features:

RetrieveRetrieve data.
+AddAdd a row.
Refresh TabsRefresh the tab data.
PrintPrint data.
Trashcan Icon Delete a row.