Finance > Utilities > Fiscal Year Processing > Fund Close 1XXX-4XXX
(OBSOLETE) This page is used to close balance sheet accounts (classes 1, 2, 3 and 4). If your records still show deferred checks, this procedure does not allow closing those funds. An error message is displayed to warn of this situation.
JV Number | The field is set to 999999 by default, but you can type another journal voucher number. This is a required field. If a duplicate journal voucher number other than 999999 is entered, an error message is displayed. |
Transaction Date |
The current system date is displayed by default, but it can be modified. If it is modified, all new transactions default to the last transaction date that was entered. |
Under Fund/Yrs Available, select the file IDs to move to the Fund/Yrs to Close column using the following buttons:
Execute |
Click to execute the process. A message is displayed prompting you create a backup.
Process |
Click to continue the process and accept the changes. A message is displayed indicating that the process was completed successfully. Click OK. |
Cancel | Click to return to the Fund Close 5XXX-8XXX page without making changes. |